Please visit our By-Laws page to see both the current and proposed by-laws.
2020 Spring Update
An Update About Our 2020 Season
EPFM Membership and Vendors,
As the situation and environment surrounding the COVID-19 pandemic continues to evolve, your Enumclaw Plateau Farmers’ Market board of directors is closely monitoring the overall landscape. We are watching other markets across the state and nation in order to evaluate the best path forward. The health and safety of our community, customers, vendors and volunteers is our highest priority. It is our goal to safely provide a viable market option to connect customers with local food and farms.
While none of us has a specific timeline to determine the duration of the restrictions placed by our local, state and federal government agencies, we are moving forward with planning for the 2020 market season. This year will look very different than last year, but we are not the only farmers market enduring these challenges. We are grateful for the strong leadership and guidance being given by Washington State Farmers Market Association (WSFMA) and if you are interested in finding out more please visit the WSFMA COVID-19 page.
We are still accepting and reviewing vendor applications and will be contacting applicants as soon as possible regarding acceptance status.
We appreciate your patience as we navigate this process and will continue to update you with new developments leading up to the 2020 market season.
Stay safe and well,
Lisa Smith, President
Liz Clark, Market Manager
Submit Vendor Applications Now
If you or someone you know is thinking about applying, now is the time! Visit the Vendors Page.
Apply Now!