Reminders for 2020 Market Days

Please remember that the market is for grocery shopping at this time.

We are asking you to limit the number of people shopping per household to one when possible.

This is not a social gathering at this time due to ongoing COVID restrictions.

Maintaining physical distancing is easier when not shopping in groups.

Please leave your pet at home. Service animals are welcome.

Please bring and wear a facial covering to help protect our vendors, volunteers and other customers.

Thank you for helping us keep the market operating under the current guidelines.

Annual Membership Meeting Set for June 19

Greetings to all who support the Enumclaw Plateau Farmers’ Market. We have all experienced some challenging times recently and our team with the market is no different. We would like to inform everyone that we will be holding our annual membership meeting virtually on Friday, June 19, 2020 at 7:00pm. All are invited to attend and encouraged to get involved by becoming a board member and/or officer as well as a community member. Please e-mail and we will get you the link to the annual meeting via Zoom.