Welcome New Board Members

EPFM is excited to welcome two new board members to the leadership team. Suzy Moen was a rock star volunteer/coordinator in 2020 and we are happy to have her officially join the board and continue to serve again in 2021 as our volunteer coordinator working closely with the Market Manager.

Christina Zolko also joined the board and has a passion for supporting the market efforts in 2021.

If you have a passion for farmers markets and supporting local agriculture and are interested in serving on our board, please review our by-laws and fill out the Board Member Interest Survey/Application.

2021 Annual Membership Meeting Set for March 11

Greetings to all who support the Enumclaw Plateau Farmers’ Market. We would like to inform everyone that we will be holding our annual membership meeting virtually on Thursday, March 11, 2021 at 7:00pm. All are invited to attend and encouraged to get involved by becoming a board member and/or officer as well as a community member.

March 11, 2021 Membership Meeting Agenda